When vapor encroachment conditions exist on a site, conducting sub-slab soil gas sampling may be necessary

Sub-slab soil gas sampling helps evaluate the potential impact of vapor encroachment on indoor air quality. Vapor intrusion occurs when volatile contaminants migrate from the …

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Exceptions to HUD’s Wetlands Review Requirements

The November 2013 amendments to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) regulation on floodplains and wetlands introduced several exceptions that could exclude …

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Tribal Consultations for HUD Environmental Reviews

Any project that has the potential to impact natural or cultural resources requires consultation with the relevant tribes even if the  project is not located …

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PFAS: An Emerging Contaminant

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are a group of manufactured chemicals widely used in industrial and consumer products, such as food packaging and insulation. Currently, …

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